Some of you might now me from simhq forums;
Some time ago, I made a proposal to the whole community there to create our own IL-2 manual, something like the LOMAC guys got;
the impetus for this proposal came from a browsing session thru my IL-2 archive, containing lots of files and d/l stuff like various guides on how to sim more efficient, how to set up ones system correctly, how to use the various excellent user made addons that are available and so on;
most of this info came from various user guides, found on sites like this one, or from forum threads where many people have contributed their wisdom to solve various issues;
piecing all these little bits of information together, mixing it with personal experiences, spicing it up with historical stuff and rounding up the whole thing with screenies shall be the main purpose of this guide I had in my eyes;
and now, I, or better we, have the chance to create this guide and discuss how it should look like and what we want in and how we want it to get included;
for this purpose, Jim has made it possible to open a new forum-this one-to discuss everything, guide related;
I would love to get input from all of you;
Currently, I am in the process of "creating" the basic structure, or better, a proposal for the basic structure of the guide;
once this proposal is finished, I will post it here to get all the feedback possible to enhance it, either by adding stuff or giving up some, it will be up to our choice and liking;
Although the whole thingie is my idea, I would love to make this the most comprehensive guide to Il2/FB/AEP/PF around and something, every serious user of this great gem of simming software must have

so I encourage you to post ideas, tidbits of info that could be useful, proposals, everything that could help;
lets make this thingie our baby and one that we can be proud of once it is finished

best regards and welcome to this new forum