Okay Ian,
I'll get something together containing my source code and the ini file and send it to you both.
The source code will identify all the possible alternative values for all of the options as stored in the ini file.
If MAT Manager launches with these settings then the appropriate graphics and MAT files for these options will be copied when MM exits.
As an example if you write to the MAT Manager's ini file
USA_Index=USA 1942 (Yellow) Faded
You will get the faded USAAF White Star with a yellow border in place of the normal white star.
So perhaps if you were writing a 1942 mission for the USSAF then this would be a nice choice of white star.
Choice of markings could be "theatre-dependant" eg. my Faded options for Luftwaffe, British, Australian, New Zealand, Free French, Japanese and USAAF/USN would be fine for Desert and/or Pacific scenarios.
Some markings such as my Luftwaffe late-war solid, non-outlined numbering would work nicely for certain aircraft types in late-war scenarious and my VVS red star options all have approximate usage ranges attached to them.
Another example could be the use of Bulgarian, Czech, Free French, Yugoslavian, Croatian, Slovakian National Uprising, Finish low visibility, Chinese or Belgian etc. as alternatives for other theatre and wartime periods.
Basically, IMO, the most appropriate markings options to "parse" to IL2-MAT Manager would be the national markings and number styles by theatre and wartime period. I have an extensive number of Luftwaffe national markings options and single-engined fighter numbering styles as well as VVS fonts and red-star styles. There's also a large number of alternative Japanese "himomaru" options with various stages of weathering, flaking and/or fading as well as clean types.
The Luftwaffe and VVS national markings options have a possible three stages of weathering, clean (game default), lightly and heavily weathered.
Other options such as emblem sizing, randomising of numbers/letters, hakenkreuze sizing and stab markings are probably best left to the user to choose directly in MAT Manager. Of course the user would always be able to over-ride the settings passed by Mission Mate or UQMG if they wished to do so.
I think the above would be really nice especially for offline campaign flyers who would have the option of composing a mission and then have a set of markings options for the year, theatre and nationalities automatically selected for them in MAT Manager.
Cheers guys
I know what you mean by the IL2-MAT Manager front end being only visible after the copy process but MAT Manager must be launched and exited at some stage for the choice of markings files to be copied. Logically, IMO, MAT Manager should be lauched as an option after UQMG or Mission Mate exits. If the user has chosen an option in your programs to enable markings options to be fed to MAT Manager. There would also need to be an option in Mission Mate and UQMG to browse for and store the location of IL2-MAT Manager (by default C:\Program Files\IL2-MAT Manager) so that the location of MAT Manager's conf.ini was know assuming that UQMG or Mission Mate couldn't locate it in it's default location.
Regarding displaying the markings, there are currently in excess of 65,000 MAT and TGA files so building an interface to preview the markings would be quite a lot of work. As for displaying the MAT Manager front-end that would be okay if Mission Mate and UQMG just ran IL2-MAT Manager. I feel the writing of settings to MAT Manager's ini file should be made before launching MAT Manager though.
What could be done perhaps is that we could grab some "sample" screenshots of markings option combinations set in the games' dogfight arming screen and use these within UQMG and Mission Mate as previews as to how a combination of MAT Manager Markings would display. Eg. I could capture and resize a small BMP / JPG of a Bf-109 showing a particular numbering style option, hakenkreuze and Balkenkreuze combination. We would need to agree on a size for this graphic and I would then re-size such images to fit into your UIs. There could of course be many possible combinations of these as I have 30 possible Luftwaffe coloured numbering styles and about 20 different Lufwaffe balkenkreuze/hakenkreuze combinations but some would be in-appropriate such as later war number styles and early-war national markings so this would reduce the permutations down a bit