Moderator: CrazySchmidt
Graphics Settings:
- Make current mode an x-coord y-coord n-bits value thing
so you could type 1080x600x32 or 1080x500x16 e.g.
ChangeScreenRes [0|1] change the screen resolution
FullScreen [0|1] Use the complete monitor
SaveAspect [0|1] keep 4:3 monitor aspect ratio
Now when setting the screen resolution to 1080x600x32
and setting ChangeScreenRes to 0 (keeps desktop), FullScreen to 0 (plays in a window),
and SaveAspect to 0 (now plays sort-of a widescreen view :D)
This is a method to get rid of "black - bars" on widescreen/non standard format etc etc
- there are settings for "Shadows", and "Effects" they are both numeric (0, 1, 2)... and may
grow in future.
- same goes true for Water [0..3], Sky [0..2], Forest [0..3]
Miscelaneous Settings:
- there is a "ClearCache" [0|1] under the [game] heading which when not set (zero) will leave
the IL-2 Mat Manager skins/numbers so they don't have to be uploaded again.
- besides a NoSubTitles [0|1] switch there is a "NoSubtitlesLines=<num>" number of subtitle
lines to display on screen.
- a "Fix Chat Region" button ;) ppl mess up their chat a lot ...
- also a "Fix Esc Problem" - for some reason the HoetKeyGUI command
[HotKey gui]
gets lost a lot by people lol
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