sindbad - there is no path
Make an empty (realy empty) mission with FMB with the Normandy map then copy and past (2x) the above static objects with notepad or another ascii editor (not word etc) or get the one I did with them (right click link with mouse) then save in c:/program files/ubi soft/il-2 forgotten battles/missions/net/dogfight/ 1/
Then run game and select multiplay / create server
select SmokingNorm mission and start from the island... (just sit in a cockpit) ... press Esc and "refly"
If you select the airfield @ Caen (2nd time around) you'll have only a Betty to fly

as an AI plane (only external views) so when starting press F2/F8 for that one...
on my real old and underpowered rig - my FPS went from 17 (no smoke insight) to 5 FPS (several chimneys in-sight)