IT Guy, Just Stick It In My Arm!

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IT Guy, Just Stick It In My Arm!

Postby Luckyboy1 on Sat May 13, 2006 5:22 pm

Well, it was beyond Snoopy's control, but this site was not available to me last night for a couple of hours. Snoop was kind enough to send me an e-mail explaining why the site was down, but I had just popped off an e-mail to him letting him know the site was down as a courtesy to him and not a complaint, so no explaination needed here! Just as soon as the site comes back up, my only requrest is to get the IT guy to run an ethernet connection directly to the veins in my arms! :partyman:

All joking aside, we rarely miss something as valuable as this site until we can't get instant gratification from it. After all, especially with the things you like to do, but do them so rarely that like me, you forget how it's done like...

What format do you put music files in for the game?

What are the limitations of the Quick Mission Builder?

How to adjust kick settings and connection timings.

And the dreaded one Luckyboy seems to always ask...

Please post your diagnosis. If you need instructions, see Luckyboy's Guide For Complete Users.

At one time, over at Anandtech, to get better compliance with that request I put in my sig to just Google for "Luckyboy" and it would be your first choice. Now, do you know how hard it is to be listed numba Uno at anything on Google no matter how obscure, much less something as common as the nickname "Luckyboy"? In fact, it even beats out some porn site called Luckyboy and we all know how popular and vital the porn industry is to the internet! :smt033

Is this because Luckyboy's Guide is so great? Naw, it's numba Uno because the IL-2 Community as a whole, even including the UBI crowd, is a great and helpful bunch of guys and it's their ideas that I just wrote down. Yet the Guide existed for about 6 months before hardly anyone got a gander at it. It took Snoopy, taking hits from people who didn't like me or the ideas I put out and he felt it was of value to the community... not to him, but to US!, so he posted it and has hosted it faithfully for like what?... 2 years now or something like that?! In spite of all the bandwidth sucked up by all the folks who hit the Guide on this site, I've never heard anything but cheer out of Snoopy as far as hosting it.

Now, repeat that process for hosting the Guide again for every question you use this site for much less all the downloadable goodies thrown in to boot! Add it all up and the fact that Snoopy can do this at all, much less for free and without obtrusive advertising is just flat out fantastic! :smt020
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Postby MaXMhZ on Sat May 13, 2006 7:58 pm

I know what you mean LB - I was cut off from the net a couple of weeks recently. My ISP's commercial trolls had the bright idea to start with cable phones a vouple of years back the bandwidth of 5Mbps I had then promptly dropped to 2.5 Mbps even though they promised an increase to 6Mbps. Since a year later I still had 2.5 a year later, I went back to their slowest connection (750k/250k) which I still have. Anyway, in April I thought let's get the phone too, they must have eradicated the bugs by now... Oh boy, was I mistaken - my phone wasn't reachable half of the time although I could make outgoing calls, and then a couple of weeks ago the Internet dropped dead together with the phone after I had complained a couple of times - it seems one of their very good educated and bright techs had entered my data incorrect into their server - it took them more than 2 weeks to correct that little mistake. It's a miracle my digital TV receiver didn't die too But it is times like these you'd wish you had Airwarfare-on-a-disk ;) - the direct ethernet line looks like a good idea to me - I'm only 300m away from the Internet backbone that puts me on the net. Maybe I'll sneak in there one of these days with a role of prime quality ethernet cable on my back :twisted: I couldn't agree more that Snoppy's a great guy thar does a tremendous service to the flightsim community - maybe it's time we all mailed the queen to give him a knighthood - anyone got her addy? Google is becoming more frightening by the day though - the amount of data they collect about you is flabbergasting - and they don't erase anything either EVER - if you send an email to a GMail address they scan that too, without the sender being aware even.Over time I am convinced with the amount of data they have they can pick you out of a line-up if needed and tell you what you had for breakfast. The US gov has already tried to demand data from them, and they already do cooperate with the Chinese gov to filter search results returned to Chinese users. It's getting more scary than M$ - in 2005 they had a $6 billion turnover and $1.5 billion clean provit :shock:
I've never found a single bad cookie or data collecting/tracking extention on Airwafare - and I do scan for them(multiple ways) all the time and do find them on a lot of sites - some you wouldn't even suspect them on (like recently I found a bad one on my taxpayer-sponsored online tv-guide that explained most of the spam mail I received the last 6 months :( They never replied to my complaint, so I turned my data over to a consumer organisation that's investigating now :lol:

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Postby Luckyboy1 on Sun May 14, 2006 1:37 am

But it is times like these you'd wish you had Airwarfare-on-a-disk...

Believe it or not Maxie, I think that idea is outstanding. :smt023
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