Snap Turns in Ki 84c

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Snap Turns in Ki 84c

Postby autie on Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:43 am

I was watching Battlefield Britain, the one on the Battle of Britain. In it a pilot took the host up in a stunt plane and showed him some moves. chief among them seemed to be the "Bandits on your six' snap turn.l. I've tried to use this tactic when I have a Spit on my tail ( I fly the Ki 84c most of the time) but when ever I pull this radical move either to the left or the right I go into a spin! I do a wing over to 90% then pull gently on the stick feeling the judder as I balance on the edge of a stall ( I have the Saitek evo Force Feedback set to Oleg's joystick setitings) How should I be doing this manoeuvre? Should my nose be up or down thru the turn? Do I need reverse rudder? I can do a turn by losing altitude and not pulling to far back on the stick, but it doesn't feel like much of a combat manoeuvre! I realise that the "Frank" cannot out turn the Spit but i would like to have more moves in my arsenal than just hoping that he gets hit by bits flying off my plane as I plummet to the ground. I really like the Ki84c and would love to hear from other Frank pilots what they find think are it's strong points.
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Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:22 am

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